/*!     \file include/kernel/floppy.h
 *      \brief Floppy disk driver header.
 *      \author Andrea Righi <righiandr@users.sf.net>
 *      \date Last update: 2003-04-23\n
 *      \note Copyright (&copy;) 2003-2004 Andrea Righi
 * This code is under the GPL License 

#ifndef FLOPPY_H
#define FLOPPY_H

#include <types.h>
#include <arch/interrupt.h>

// --- Drive geometry for 1.44MB floppies ----------------------------- //

#define FDC_SECTORS             18      //!< Sectors per track.
#define FDC_HEADS               2       //!< Heads per track.
#define FDC_TRACKS              80      //!< Tracks per disk.
#define FDC_SECTOR_SIZE         512     //!< Bytes per sector.

//! FDC motor spin-up time (msec).

//! FDC timeout to turn the motor off (msec).
#define FDC_TIME_MOTOR_OFF      3000

// --- Floppy I/O ports ----------------------------------------------- //

#define FDC_DOR         0x3F2 //!< Digital Output Register.
#define FDC_MSR         0x3F4 //!< Main Status Register (read).
#define FDC_DSR         0x3F4 //!< Data Rate Select Register (write).
#define FDC_DATA        0x3F5 //!< Data Register.
#define FDC_DIR         0x3F7 //!< Digital Input Register.
#define FDC_CCR         0x3F7 //!< Configuration Control Register.

// --- Floppy Commands ------------------------------------------------ //

#define CMD_SPECIFY     0x03    //!< Specify.
#define CMD_WRITE       0xC5    //!< Write.
#define CMD_READ        0xE6    //!< Read.
#define CMD_RECAL       0x07    //!< Recalibrate.
#define CMD_SENSEI      0x08    //!< Send a "sense interrupt status".
#define CMD_FORMAT      0x4D    //!< Format a track.
#define CMD_SEEK        0x0F    //!< Seek a track.
#define CMD_VERSION     0x10    //!< Get the controller version.

// --- Register values ------------------------------------------------ //

//! The controller is busy.
#define MSR_BUSY        0x10
//! 0- DMA mode.
#define MSR_DMA         0x20
//! 0- cpu -> fdc.
#define MSR_DIR         0x40
//! Data register ready.
#define MSR_READY       0x80

// --- Upper level informations --------------------------------------- //

//! Size of the floppy buffer for low-level read/write operations.
        ( PAGE_ALIGN_UP(floppy_type[ fdc_geometry ].spt * FDC_SECTOR_SIZE) )

//! Maximum number of blocks that can be stored into the floppy cache.
#define FLOPPY_CACHE_MAX_BLOCKS         512

//! Floppy geometry structures.
typedef struct floppy_struct
        size_t  size,   //!< # of sectors total.
                spt,    //!< sectors per track.
                heads,  //!< # of heads.
                tracks; //!< # of tracks.
        uint8_t fmtgap, //!< gap3 while formatting.
                rwgap,  //!< gap3 while reading/writing.
                rate;   //!< data rate.
        char    *name;  //!< format name.
} floppy_struct_t;

//! A floppy block into the cache.
typedef struct floppy_cache_block
        //! The sector number.
        int num;
        //! Dirty flag is set if the block need to be written to device.
        int dirty;
        //! A timestamp to implement LRU replacement policy.
        clock_t timestamp;
        //! Block data.
        uint8_t data[ FDC_SECTOR_SIZE ];
} floppy_cache_block_t;

// --- Prototypes ----------------------------------------------------- //

void floppy_thread();
bool init_floppy();
bool fdc_is_changed();

int fdc_seek(int block);
int fdc_read(int block, uint8_t *buffer, size_t count);
int fdc_write(int block, uint8_t *buffer, size_t count);
int fdc_sync( void );


/*!     \file drivers/floppy/floppy.c
 *      \brief Floppy disk driver.
 *      \author Andrea Righi <righiandr@users.sf.net>
 *      \date Last update:\n
 *              2004-04-23 Andrea Righi:\n
 *                      Added the floppy cache for recently used blocks.
 *                      Improved low-level routines for read and write
 *                      operations.\n
 *              2004-04-17 Andrea Righi:\n
 *                      Improved performances adding a wait queue
 *                      for tasks that are waiting for the floppy
 *                      disk controller operations.
 *              2004-04-11 Andrea Righi:\n
 *                      Added mutual exclusion for the floppy
 *                      controller.
 *      \note Copyright (&copy;) 2003-2004 Andrea Righi

#include <const.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <arch/clock.h>
#include <arch/i386.h>
#include <arch/interrupt.h>
#include <arch/mem.h>
#include <arch/paging.h>
#include <kernel/console.h>
#include <kernel/debug.h>
#include <kernel/dma.h>
#include <kernel/queue.h>
#include <kernel/semaphore.h>
#include <kernel/sched.h>

#include <kernel/floppy.h>

/** \ingroup Drivers
 *  \defgroup FloppyDriver Floppy Disk
 *  The floppy disk driver.
 *  @{

//! Motor on flag.
volatile bool fdc_motor = FALSE;

//! FDC timeout.
volatile int fdc_timeout = 0;

//! Floppy motor kill countdown.
volatile int fdc_motor_countdown = 0;

//! FDC operation finish.
volatile bool fdc_done = FALSE;

//! FDC status (result output).
volatile byte fdc_status[ 7 ] = { 0 };

//! Current head position.
volatile byte fdc_track = 0xff;

//! Status register 0.
volatile byte ST0 = 0;

//! Floppy types known from the system.
static floppy_struct_t floppy_type[] = {
// 1,44 MB.
{ 2880, 18, 2, 80, 0x54, 0x1b, 0x00, "H1440" },
// 1.68 MB. (TODO)
{ 3360, 21, 2, 80, 0x0c, 0x1c, 0x00, "H1680" },

//! Current floppy geometry.
byte fdc_geometry = 0;

//! Floppy buffer for low level read / write operations.
uint8_t *fdc_buffer = NULL;

//! A semaphore for the mutual exclusion of the floppy disk.
DECLARE_MUTEX( fdc_mutex );

//! Queue for the task that are waiting for the floppy disk controller.
DECLARE_WAITQUEUE( fdc_wait_queue );

//! A queue to store recently used floppy blocks.
DECLARE_QUEUE( floppy_cache );

//! Current number of blocks in the floppy cache.
int floppy_block_count = 0;

// --- Floppy Cache Operators ----------------------------------------- //

//! Get a block into the cache if it is present.
static floppy_cache_block_t *floppy_cache_get_block( int num )
        floppy_cache_block_t *buf;
        queue_t *entry;
        int n;

        // Search the block into the cache.
        queue_for_each( entry, n, floppy_cache )
                buf = queue_get_entry( entry );
                if( buf->num == num )
                        // Block present: update the timestamp.
                        buf->timestamp = sys_get_ticks();
                        return( buf );

        // Block not present.
        return( NULL );

//! Delete the last recently used block into the cache.
static void floppy_cache_delete_lru()
        floppy_cache_block_t *buf, *old_buf = NULL;
        queue_t *entry, *old_entry = NULL;
        int n;
        clock_t min_stamp = sys_get_ticks() + 1;

        // Search the block into the cache.
        queue_for_each( entry, n, floppy_cache )
                buf = queue_get_entry( entry );
                if( buf->timestamp < min_stamp )
                        // This is the last recently used block,
                        // until now...
                        old_entry = entry;
                        old_buf = buf;
                        min_stamp = buf->timestamp;

        // Free the LRU block.
        if( old_entry != NULL )
                printk( KERN_DEBUG "free lru block %i.\n", old_buf->num );
                queue_del_entry( &floppy_cache, old_entry );
                kfree( old_buf );

//! Add a floppy disk block into the cache.
static void floppy_cache_push_block( int num, uint8_t *block )
        floppy_cache_block_t *fb;

        fb = kmalloc( sizeof(floppy_cache_block_t), GFP_KERNEL );
        if( fb == NULL )
                printk( KERN_ERR
                        "%s(): out of kernel memory!\n",
                        __FUNCTION__ );

        // Store the sector number.
        fb->num = num;
        // Dirty flag off.
        fb->dirty = 0;
        // Get the timestamp.
        fb->timestamp = sys_get_ticks();
        // Copy the block into the buffer.
        memcpy( fb->data, block, sizeof(fb->data) );

        // Update the block counter.
        if( floppy_block_count < FLOPPY_CACHE_MAX_BLOCKS )
                // Increment the block counter.
                // Delete the last recently used block.

        // Insert the block into the queue.
        add_queue( &floppy_cache, fb );

//! Delete all blocks into the floppy cache and free the memory space.
static void floppy_cache_clear( void )
        queue_t *entry, *dummy;
        floppy_cache_block_t *fb;
        int n;

        // Clear the floppy blocks cache.
        queue_for_each_safe( entry, dummy, n, floppy_cache )
                fb = queue_get_entry( entry );
                queue_del_entry( &floppy_cache, entry );
                kfree( fb );
        printk( KERN_DEBUG "%u blocks freed.\n", floppy_block_count );
        // Reset the block counter.
        floppy_block_count = 0;

// --- Floppy Generic Functions --------------------------------------- //

//! \brief Wait until the floppy controller becomes ready.
static int fdc_wait_until_ready( void )
        int counter, status;

        for( counter = 0; counter < 10000; counter++ )
                status = inb_p( FDC_MSR );
                if( status & MSR_READY )
                        return( status );
        return( -1 );

//! \brief Send a byte to the FDC controller.
//! \param b The byte to send.
static int fdc_sendbyte( uint8_t b )
        int msr;

        msr = fdc_wait_until_ready();
        if( msr < 0 )
                return( -1 );
        if( (msr & (MSR_READY | MSR_DIR | MSR_DMA)) == MSR_READY )
                outb_p( FDC_DATA, b );
                return( 0 );
        return( -1 );

//! \brief Get a byte from the FDC controller.
//! \return The byte read from the controller.
//! \exception NULL If timeout is elapsed.
static int fdc_getbyte()
        int msr;

        msr = fdc_wait_until_ready();
        if( msr < 0 )
                return( -1 );
        msr &= MSR_DIR | MSR_READY | MSR_BUSY | MSR_DMA;
        if( msr == (MSR_DIR | MSR_READY | MSR_BUSY) )
                return( inb_p(FDC_DATA) );
        return( -1 );

//! \brief Turn the floppy motor on.
static void fdc_motor_on( void )
        if( !fdc_motor )
                outb( FDC_DOR, 0x1C );
                delay( FDC_TIME_MOTOR_SPINUP );
                fdc_motor = TRUE;
        fdc_motor_countdown = -1;

//! \brief Starts the FDC motor kill countdown.
static void fdc_motor_off( void )
        if( fdc_motor && (fdc_motor_countdown == -1) )
                fdc_motor_countdown = FDC_TIME_MOTOR_OFF / 1000 * HZ;

//! \brief Check if the floppy disk was changed.
static bool __fdc_is_changed( void )
        if( inb(FDC_DIR) & 0x80 )
                // Invalidate the floppy cache.

                return( TRUE );

        return( FALSE );

//! \brief Wait for a FDC operation.
//! \param sensei
//!     \li #TRUE if a "sense interrupt status" command is required;
//!     \li #FALSE for a simple timeout wait.
//! \return
//!     \li #TRUE if the operation has successfully done;
//!     \li #FALSE if the timeout has been elapsed.
 *      This routine must be invoked every time that we have to verify
 *      the correct completion of an operation.
 *      If a "sense interrupt status" command is issued, the status of
 *      the controller is reported into the #ST0 variable and the
 *      current track is stored into the #fdc_track variable.
static bool fdc_wait( bool sensei )
        byte i;
        uint32_t flags;
        int ret;

        local_irq_save( flags );

        fdc_timeout = 3 * HZ;

        // Wait for IRQ or timeout.
                if( (fdc_done) || (fdc_timeout == 0) )
                wait_event( fdc_wait_queue, fdc_done || (fdc_timeout == 0) );

        // Read command result bytes.
        i = 0;
        while( (i < 7) && (inb(FDC_MSR) & MSR_BUSY) )
                fdc_status[ i++ ] = fdc_getbyte();

        // Send a "sense interrupt status" command.
        if( sensei )
                fdc_sendbyte( CMD_SENSEI );
                ST0 = fdc_getbyte();
                fdc_track = fdc_getbyte();

        // Timed out?
        if( fdc_done == FALSE )
                // Check for disk change.
                ret = FALSE;
                fdc_done = FALSE;
                ret = TRUE;

        local_irq_restore( flags );

        return( ret );

//! \brief Recalibrate the floppy drive.
static void fdc_recalibrate()
        // Turn the motor on.

        // Send recalibrate command.
        fdc_sendbyte( CMD_RECAL );
        fdc_sendbyte( 0 );

        // Wait until recalibrate command is finished.
        fdc_wait( TRUE );

        // Turn the motor off.

//! \brief Seek a track.
//! \param track The track to seek.
//! \return
//!     \li 0 success;
//!     \li -ENODEV the floppy device is not installed;
//!     \li -EINVAL the track is not valid;
//!     \li -ETIME timeout;
//!     \li -ESPIPE invalid seek.
static int __fdc_seek( int track )
        if( fdc_buffer == NULL )
                // Floppy is not installed.
                return( -ENODEV );

        // If already there return.
        if( fdc_track == track )
                return( 0 );

        // Turn the motor on.

        // Send seek command.
        fdc_sendbyte( CMD_SEEK );
        fdc_sendbyte( 0 );
        fdc_sendbyte( track );

        // Wait until seek is finished.
        if( fdc_wait(TRUE) == FALSE )
                // Timeout!
                return( -ETIME );

        // Let the head settle for 15msec.
        delay( 15 );

        // Turn off the motor.

        // Check if seek worked.
        if( (ST0 == 0x20) && (fdc_track == track) )
                return( 0 );
        return( -ESPIPE );

//! \brief Seek a sector (mutual exclusion guaranteed).
int fdc_seek( int block )
        int ret;

        // Evaluate the track.
        block = ( block /
                floppy_type[ fdc_geometry ].spt *
                floppy_type[ fdc_geometry ].heads ) + 1;

        DOWN( &fdc_mutex );

        // Run the seek operation in mutual exclusion.
        ret = __fdc_seek( block );

        UP( &fdc_mutex );
        return( ret );

//! \brief Reset the floppy disk controller.
static void fdc_reset()
        // Stop the motor and disable IRQ.
        outb( FDC_DOR, 0x00 );

        // Program data rate (500K/s).
        outb( FDC_DSR, 0x00 );

        // Re-enable floppy IRQ.
        outb( FDC_DOR, 0x0c );

        // Wait for the controller.
        fdc_wait( TRUE );

        // Specify drive timings.
        fdc_sendbyte( CMD_SPECIFY );
        // SRT = 3ms, HUT = 240ms
        fdc_sendbyte( 0xdf );
        // HLT = 4ms, ND = 0 (DMA mode selected)
        fdc_sendbyte( 0x02 );

        // Clear the floppy cache.

        // Seek the first track.
        __fdc_seek( 1 );

//! \brief
//!     Convert from a LBA (Linear Block Address) address to a
//!     CHS (Cylinder, Head, Sector) coordinates.
//! \param lba The LBA address.
//! \param track A pointer to the track coordinate.
//! \param head A pointer to the head coordinate.
//! \param sector A pointer to the sector coordinate.
static void lba2chs(int lba, int *track, int *head, int *sector)
        *track = lba / (floppy_type[fdc_geometry].spt * floppy_type[fdc_geometry].heads);
        *head = (lba / floppy_type[fdc_geometry].spt) % floppy_type[fdc_geometry].heads;
        *sector = (lba % floppy_type[fdc_geometry].spt) + 1;

//! \brief
//!     Perform a read/write operation with the floppy drive using
//!     the DMA (Direct Memory Access).
//! \param block The LBA address of the block on the floppy.
//! \param buffer
//!     The address of the buffer in memory for the transfer
//!     operation. It must have a size of at least #FDC_SECTOR_SIZE
//!     bytes.
//! \param do_read
//!     \li #TRUE to perform a read operation (from disk to memory);
//!     \li #FALSE to perform a write operation (from memory to disk).
//! \return
//!     \li 0 success;
//!     \li -ENOMEDIUM the disk is changed;
//!     \li -ESPIPE the seek operation fails;
//!     \li -ETIME timeout error;
//!     \li -EIO i/o error.
static int fdc_rw( int block, uint8_t *buffer, int nsec, bool do_read )
        int track, head, sector, tries;

        // Translate the logical address into CHS address.
        lba2chs( block, &track, &head, &sector );

        if( !do_read )
                // Write operation => copy data from buffer into fdc_buffer.
                memcpy( fdc_buffer, buffer, nsec * FDC_SECTOR_SIZE );

        for( tries = 0; tries < 3; tries++ )
                // Check for disk changed.
                if( __fdc_is_changed() )
                        __fdc_seek( 1 );
                        return( -ENOMEDIUM );

                // Spin up the motor.

                // Move the head to the right track.
                if( __fdc_seek(track) < 0 )
                        return( -ESPIPE );
                // Program data rate.
                outb( FDC_CCR, floppy_type[fdc_geometry].rate );


                // Send command.
                if( do_read )
                        // Read operation //
                        dma_xfer( 2, VIRTUAL((size_t)fdc_buffer), nsec * FDC_SECTOR_SIZE, FALSE );
                        fdc_sendbyte( CMD_READ );
                        // Write operation //
                        dma_xfer( 2, VIRTUAL((size_t)fdc_buffer), nsec * FDC_SECTOR_SIZE, TRUE );
                        fdc_sendbyte( CMD_WRITE );
                fdc_sendbyte( head << 2 );
                fdc_sendbyte( track );
                fdc_sendbyte( head );
                fdc_sendbyte( sector );
                // 512 bytes/sector.
                fdc_sendbyte( 2 );
                fdc_sendbyte( floppy_type[fdc_geometry].spt );
                fdc_sendbyte( floppy_type[fdc_geometry].rwgap );
                // DTL = unused.
                fdc_sendbyte( 0xff );

                // Wait for command completion.
                if( fdc_wait(FALSE) == FALSE )

                        // Timed out!
                        return( -ETIME );


                if( (fdc_status[0] & 0xc0) == 0 )
                        // Worked.

                // Try again...

        // Stop the motor

        if( do_read )
                // Read operation => copy data from fdc_buffer
                // into the buffer.
                memcpy( buffer, fdc_buffer, nsec * FDC_SECTOR_SIZE );

        // Return if the R/W operation terminates successfully.
        return( (tries == 3) ? -EIO : 0 );

//! \brief Physical read some contiguous blocks from the floppy disk.
//! \param block The starting block to read.
//! \param buffer
//!     The destination buffer in memory where the
//!     blocks will be copied.
//! \param count
//!     How many blocks to read.
//! \return
//!     \li 0 success;
//!     \li -ENODEV device not installed;
//!     \li -ENOMEDIUM disk changed;
//!     \li -ENXIO seek error;
//!     \li -EIO i/o error.
int __fdc_phys_read( int block, uint8_t *buf, size_t count )
        int track, track2, head, head2, sector, sector2;
        int upper, i;
        floppy_cache_block_t *tmp = NULL;
        uint8_t *ptr = buf;

        int first = block;
        int last = block + count - 1;

        int ret = 0;

        lba2chs( first, &track, &head, &sector );
        lba2chs( last, &track2, &head2, &sector2 );

        while( first <= last )
                // Read more than one block for each time.
                if( (track == track2) && (head == head2) )
                        upper = sector2;
                        upper = floppy_type[ fdc_geometry ].spt;

                // Perform the read operation.
                ret = fdc_rw( first, ptr, (upper - sector + 1), TRUE );
                if( ret < 0 )
                        // I/O error.
                        goto out;

                // Push the blocks into the cache.
                for( i = 0; i < (upper - sector + 1); i++, ptr += FDC_SECTOR_SIZE )
                        tmp = floppy_cache_get_block( first + i );
                        if( tmp == NULL )
                                // Add the block into the cache.
                                floppy_cache_push_block( first + i, ptr );
                                // Update the timestamp only.
                                tmp->timestamp = sys_get_ticks();
                // Update the first sector position.
                first = first + i;
                lba2chs( first, &track, &head, &sector );
        return( ret );

//! \brief Read some contiguous blocks from the floppy disk.
//! \param block The starting block to read.
//! \param buffer
//!     The destination buffer in memory where the
//!     blocks will be copied.
//! \param count
//!     How many blocks to read.
//! \return
//!     \li 0 success;
//!     \li -ENODEV device not installed;
//!     \li -ENOMEDIUM disk changed;
//!     \li -ENXIO seek error;
//!     \li -EIO i/o error.
int __fdc_read( int block, uint8_t *buffer, size_t count )
        floppy_cache_block_t *tmp = NULL;
        uint8_t *ptr;
        int i;
        int ret = 0;

        if( fdc_buffer == NULL )
                // Floppy is not installed.
                return( -ENODEV );

        for( i = 0, ptr = buffer; i < count; i++, ptr += FDC_SECTOR_SIZE )
                // Try to get the block from the cache.
                tmp = floppy_cache_get_block( block + i );
                if( tmp == NULL )
                        ret = __fdc_phys_read( block + i, ptr, count - i );
                        goto out;
                        // Block already present into the cache.
                        memcpy( ptr, tmp->data, FDC_SECTOR_SIZE );
                        // Update the timestamp.
                        tmp->timestamp = sys_get_ticks();
        // Read operation done.
        return( ret );

//! \brief Global interface for the floppy read operation.
int fdc_read( int block, uint8_t *buffer, size_t count )
        int ret;

        DOWN( &fdc_mutex );

        // Perform the write operation.
        ret = __fdc_read( block, buffer, count );

        UP( &fdc_mutex );

        return( ret );

//! \brief Write some contiguous blocks to the floppy disk.
//! \param block The starting block to write.
//! \param buffer
//!     The address in memory from which the data will be copied.
//! \param count
//!     How many blocks to write.
//! \return
//!     \li 0 success;
//!     \li -ENODEV device not installed;
//!     \li -ENOMEDIUM disk changed;
//!     \li -ENXIO seek error;
//!     \li -EIO i/o error.
static int __fdc_write( int block, uint8_t *buffer, size_t count )
        floppy_cache_block_t *tmp = NULL;
        uint8_t *ptr;
        int i;
        int ret = 0;

        if( fdc_buffer == NULL )
                // Floppy is not installed.
                return( -ENODEV );

        for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
                // Update the pointer of the buffer.
                ptr = buffer + ( FDC_SECTOR_SIZE * i );

                // Try to get the block from the cache.
                tmp = floppy_cache_get_block( block + i );
                if( tmp == NULL )
                        // Write the block to the device.
                        ret = fdc_rw( block + i, ptr, 1, FALSE );
                        if( ret < 0 )
                                // I/O error.
                                goto out;
                        // Block already present: write it into the
                        // cache.
                        memcpy( tmp->data, ptr, FDC_SECTOR_SIZE );
                        // Set the dirty flag for this block.
                        tmp->dirty = 1;
                        // Update the timestamp.
                        tmp->timestamp = sys_get_ticks();
        // Write operation done.
        return( ret );
//! \brief Global interface for the floppy write operation.
int fdc_write( int block, uint8_t *buffer, size_t count )
        int ret;

        DOWN( &fdc_mutex );

        // Perform the write operation.
        ret = __fdc_write( block, buffer, count );

        UP( &fdc_mutex );

        return( ret );

//! Syncronize the floppy cache with the disk.
static int __fdc_sync( void )
        queue_t *entry;
        floppy_cache_block_t *fb;
        int n;
        int ret;

        queue_for_each( entry, n, floppy_cache )
                fb = queue_get_entry( entry );
                if( fb->dirty == 1 )
                        // Write the block to the device.
                        ret = fdc_rw( fb->num, fb->data, 1, FALSE );
                        if( ret < 0 )
                                // I/O error.
                                goto out;
        ret = 0;
        // Clear the floppy cache.

        // Seek the first track.
        __fdc_seek( 1 );

        // Recalibrate the floppy.

        return( ret );

//! Interface for the syncronize operation.
int fdc_sync( void )
        DOWN( &fdc_mutex );

        // Perform the sync operation in mutual exclusion.

        UP( &fdc_mutex );

        return( 0 );

//! \brief Check if the floppy disk was changed.
//! \return
//!     \li #TRUE if the disk was changed;
//!     \li #FALSE otherwise.
bool fdc_is_changed()
        register bool ret;

        DOWN( &fdc_mutex );

        ret = __fdc_is_changed();

        UP( &fdc_mutex );

        return( ret );

// --- Interrupt routines --------------------------------------------- //

//! \brief
//!     This is a routine called from clock_handler() at every clock
//!     tick to perform the floppy motor kill countdown and to control
//!     the floppy timeouts.
void floppy_thread()
        if( fdc_timeout > 0 )
                if( (--fdc_timeout) == 0 )
                        wakeup_queue( fdc_wait_queue );

        if( fdc_motor_countdown > 0 )
        else if( fdc_motor && !fdc_motor_countdown )
                outb( FDC_DOR, 0x0C );
                fdc_motor = FALSE;

/** \ingroup Handlers */
//! \brief
//!     This is the floppy interrupt handler routine. It is invoked
//!     every time that a floppy operation successfully completes.
void floppy_handler( irq_context_t *c )
        fdc_done = TRUE;
        wakeup_queue( fdc_wait_queue );

//! \brief Uninstall the floppy driver.
void fdc_remove()
        DOWN( &fdc_mutex );

        // Delete the floppy cache.

        // Uninstall the interrupt handler.
        uninstall_handler( FLOPPY_IRQ );

        // Free the floppy buffer.
        dma_phys_free( VIRTUAL((size_t)fdc_buffer), FDC_BUFFER_SIZE );
        fdc_buffer = NULL;

        UP( &fdc_mutex );

// --- Initialization --------------------------------------------------//

//! \brief Initialize the floppy driver.
//! \return
//!     \li #TRUE on success;
//!     \li #FALSE if an error occurs.
bool init_floppy()
        int v, ret;

        DOWN( &fdc_mutex );

        // Install the interrupt handler routine.
        install_trap_handler( FLOPPY_IRQ, (void *)floppy_handler );

        // Reset the controller.

        // Get floppy controller version.
        fdc_sendbyte( CMD_VERSION );
        v = fdc_getbyte();

        UP( &fdc_mutex );

        switch ( v )
                case 0xFF:
                        printk( KERN_ERR
                                "%s(): floppy controller not found!\n",
                                __FUNCTION__ );
                        ret = FALSE;

                case 0x80:
                        printk( KERN_INFO
                                "%s(): NEC controller.\n",
                                __FUNCTION__ );
                        ret = TRUE;

                case 0x81:
                        printk( KERN_INFO
                                "%s(): VMware controller.\n",
                                __FUNCTION__ );
                        ret = TRUE;

                case 0x90:
                        printk( KERN_INFO
                                "%s(): enhanced controller.\n",
                                __FUNCTION__ );
                        ret = TRUE;

                        printk( KERN_INFO
                                "%s(): unknown controller [%#04x].\n",
                                __FUNCTION__, v );
                        ret = TRUE;

        if( ret == TRUE )
                DOWN( &fdc_mutex );

                // Create the floppy buffer for low-level read/write
                // operations.
                fdc_buffer = PHYSICAL( dma_phys_alloc(FDC_BUFFER_SIZE) );
                if( fdc_buffer == NULL )
                        UP( &fdc_mutex );

                        printk( KERN_ERR
                                "%s(): out of dma memory!\n",
                                __FUNCTION__ );

                        return( FALSE );

                UP( &fdc_mutex );

                printk( KERN_INFO
                        "%s(): floppy buffer at [%p]->[%p]\n",
                        fdc_buffer, (size_t)fdc_buffer + PAGE_SIZE );

        return( ret );

/** @} */ // end of FloppyDriver